Prevent Clickjacking on you Nginx-hosted website

1 minute read

No one wants to see Avril stealing their taxi…and you don’t want anyone embedding and stealing your website ;)


But before anything else…what the hell is clickjacking dude?

In a nutshell, clickjacking ( is a type of attack that consists in embedding your website onto another malicious site, that puts a layer on top of what appears to be your completely normal site…and the rest is history.


To prevent this, a very simple fix can be implemented, the X-Frame-Options header needs to be set to “SAMEORIGIN”.

This header only allows the site to be embedded/displayed on a frame from the same origin as the site itself.

To apply this header to a normal Nginx deployment we need to add this line to our default.conf file:

add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;

Restart/redeploy your Nginx server and there you go.

Also, if you want to check the security “rating” of your site or deployment go to

Bye bitchez!